Yii2 active record self join taking forever to load

My query takes forever, here is the code:

$auditFilter = AuditTrail::find();
$auditFilter->select([new Expression('MAX(id) as m_id')]);
$auditFilter->andFilterWhere(['model' => 'modalClass']);
$auditFilter->groupBy('model_id'); //unique id's of modalClass

$audit = AuditTrail::find();
$audit->leftJoin(['auditFilter'=>$auditFilter], 'auditFilter.m_id = id');

I think this generates

SELECT * FROM `audit_trail` LEFT JOIN( SELECT MAX(id) AS m_id FROM `audit_trail` WHERE (`model`='modalClass') GROUP BY `model_id`) `auditFilter` ON id = auditFilter.m_id 

which takes forever.

The only way the query worked faster when testing was like this:

SELECT * FROM `audit_trail` JOIN (SELECT MAX(id) AS m_id FROM `audit_trail` WHERE (`model`='modalClass')  GROUP BY `model_id` ) `auditFilter` ON id = auditFilter.m_id 

But I don’t know how to just “JOIN” in Yii query way, instead of “LEFT JOIN” which is default in JoinWith and most Join in Yii in Yii2. Would really appreciate your help.

I think this generates

It’s better to know for sure. The query should be in the debug toolbar.

The only way the query worked faster when testing was like this:

Unlikely that’s the only way. What did you want to achieve with the query you’ve posted?

@samdark basically I join this query to another multi-join query for report. Purpose of this part of query is to find the last person (which is also a field in audit trail) who made changes to a field in “modalClass (pseudonym)” which is recorded in audit_trail table. audit_trail basically records all DB changes.

So I am trying to get the last/max ID from audit_trail table grouping with model_id (PK) where model field is "modalClass ". And then joining result with itself to get only rows of last/max ID from the table so I can get the user_id of only max id rows.

Not sure if I make sense and yes… Above query does generate “Left Join” as I have indicated and I tried raw sql in my database directly and query above query worked when i changes “LEFT JOIN” to “JOIN”

LEFT JOIN will give you different result compared to JOIN.

What does EXPLAIN give you?

The result should be same for both query, the problem is:

LEFT JOIN doesn’t bring any result… query runs for very long time and gets timed out… and when i just run with JOIN, the result displays within 5 - 7 Sec. So I want to know how to just “JOIN” in Yii2.

$audit->innerJoin(['auditFilter'=>$auditFilter], 'auditFilter.m_id = id');
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@samdark “INNER JOIN” worked. Thanks! Really appreciate your work in Yii…Big fan :slight_smile: