I’m using Yii2 on a Mac development platform running MAMP (PHP 7.3, MySQL 8, Apache 2.4).
I have successfully implemented 2Amigos’ Usuario module for user administration.
I have extended the User model by adding two attributes: status and accountExpire. Status is an integer and accountExpire is a string containing a date/time.
When I change the values for each in my form and click submit, the Status value changes in the database but the accountExpire does not.
The post looks like this (using Yii::warning() to print to log file):
2021-08-26 15:14:43 [::1][12][-][warning][application] AdminController: actionUpdate: before post load; post = Array
[_csrf] => iZA5KGEIzaF4nCJqG3VoyiUpdpTk3A9jG0drjvinX4DN1X9_KTmU9zv4ZT5fPAyfaWUZ7teVPjBWFx_Urc8R2Q==
[User] => Array
[status] => 1
[accountExpire] => 2021-09-30 18:10:00
[username] => barney
[email] => barney@fred.com
[password] =>
The dirty attributes array is:
2021-08-26 15:14:43 [::1][12][-][warning][application] AdminController: actionUpdate: after post load. Dirty attributes = Array
[status] => 1
[failedLoginNumber] => 0
The User array. Three dots … indicate where I redacted unrelated lines to shorten this post. Note the accountExpire entries; 2021-09-30 is the new date; 2025-03-08 is the old (original) date.
[created_at] => 1629900886
[password_hash] => $2y$13$LB7jHzSD6XpLfFFMOwvlEe.CH2ogdSy55ybOcWO1lWjx0TQV0htaq
[auth_key] => ziPYK_YOGLm6PkSm9TBMh8vC1R_jZ2Ho
[accountExpire] => 2021-09-30 18:10:00
[lastPasswordChange] =>
[_attributes:yii\db\BaseActiveRecord:private] => Array
[id] => 315
[username] => barney
[password] => $2y$13$LB7jHzSD6XpLfFFMOwvlEe.CH2ogdSy55ybOcWO1lWjx0TQV0htaq
[salt] => LB7jHzSD6XpLfFFMOwvlEe
[email] => barney@fred.com
[accountExpire] => 2025-03-08 15:33:21
[gdpr_consent] => 0
[gdpr_consent_date] => 1890-01-01 00:00:00
[gdpr_deleted] => 0
)[_oldAttributes:yii\db\BaseActiveRecord:private] => Array ( [id] => 315 [username] => barney [password] => $2y$13$LB7jHzSD6XpLfFFMOwvlEe.CH2ogdSy55ybOcWO1lWjx0TQV0htaq [password2] => [salt] => LB7jHzSD6XpLfFFMOwvlEe [email] => barney@fred.com
[accountExpire] => 2025-03-08 15:33:21
[gdpr_consent] => 0
[gdpr_consent_date] => 1890-01-01 00:00:00
[gdpr_deleted] => 0
…lots more redacted…
Why isn’t the save() marking the accountExpire attribute dirty?