Yii1 - CActiveDataProvider criteria not working as expected

I am trying to translate this query to CActiveDataProvider:

    // SELECT p.id "

    //     . "FROM projects AS p "

    //     . "LEFT JOIN purged_files AS pf ON p.id = pf.project_id "

    //     . "WHERE pf.id IS NULL "

    //     . "AND `new_status_id` IN ('DELIVERED', 'PAID') "

    //     . "AND `created` <= '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-" . $lifetime_days . " DAYS")) . "' "

    //     . "ORDER BY id DESC "

    //     . "LIMIT 0, 5000")

Current code:

     $criteria->select    = "project.id";

            $criteria->join      = 'LEFT JOIN purged_files ON project.id = purged_files.project_id';

            $criteria->order     = "project.id desc";

            $criteria->condition = "`new_status_id` IN ('DELIVERED', 'PAID') AND `created` <= '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-180 DAYS")) . "'";

            $criteria->limit     = 5000;

            $criteria->offset    = 0;


            $dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('Project', array(

                'criteria'   => $criteria,



            $iterator = new CDataProviderIterator($dataProvider);


            foreach ($iterator as $project) {

                echo $project->id . "<br>";



            var_dump('<pre>', "end", '</pre>');die;

When I run this I am getting this error:

    CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'project.id' in 'on clause'. The SQL statement executed was: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `projects` `t` LEFT JOIN purged_files ON project.id = purged_files.project_id WHERE (`t`.`status` <> "DELETED" AND `t`.`status` <> "CANCELED" AND `t`.`status` <> "ARCHIVED") AND (`new_status_id` IN ('DELIVERED', 'PAID') AND `created`, <= '2017-12-29 13:31:42')

Also it seems that limit isn’t working (when I run the criteria with just limit and offset, everything from db is collected). What seems to be the issue here?

Problem is that you are using wrong table alias, if you change your ‘select’ line to be like this:

     $criteria->select    = "t.id";

you will not be getting sql errors.

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Cool :). That fixed one error (I don’t know why is trying to use t as alias). But the limit still doesn’t work o.O. Am I using it wrong?

You need to set ‘pagination’=>false for offset/limit to work

please check pagionation and limit

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