[Yii1.1]ids detect attack with remember Me functionality after login.important!

I have great problem with Yii 1.1. I do a correct implementation of yii login functionnality. But i have one big problem: i use ids to detect intrusion, but if user connect him and active RememberMe, the application generated error. If i delete the rememberMe cookie stored in browser, the application work normally. Ids log in my database the following errors :

Total impact: 18<br/>

Affected tags: xss, csrf, sqli, id, lfi, rfe<br/>


Variable: COOKIE.2241ce6d8ef77b83ee3ae5b3923f1b5e | Value: 063e26c822746d4ca73de947f67caac05926b2e2s:137:&quot;3ce5823b8cf2a2e68a1eb7bf2a509adb9064c29fa:4:{i:0;s:2:&quot;44&quot;;i:1;s:23:&quot;test@gmail.com&quot;;i:2;i:2592000;i:3;a:1:{s:4:&quot;role&quot;;s:1:&quot;1&quot;;}}&quot;;<br/>

Impact: 18 | Tags: xss, csrf, sqli, id, lfi, rfe<br/>

Description: Detects self-executing JavaScript functions | Tags: xss, csrf | ID: 8<br/>

Description: Detects classic SQL injection probings 2/2 | Tags: sqli, id, lfi | ID: 43<br/>

Description: Detects unknown attack vectors based on PHPIDS Centrifuge detection | Tags: xss, csrf, id, rfe, lfi | ID: 67<br/>

<br/>Centrifuge detection data<br/> Threshold: 3.49<br/> Ratio: 3.4<br/><br/>



try to overwrite the CWebUser default cookie save/load functionality.

For example with base64_encode/decode:


# /protected/components/EWebUser.php

// Copy from the 1.1.15 CWebUser class

class EWebUser extends CWebUser 



	 * Populates the current user object with the information obtained from cookie.

	 * This method is used when automatic login ({@link allowAutoLogin}) is enabled.

	 * The user identity information is recovered from cookie.

	 * Sufficient security measures are used to prevent cookie data from being tampered.

	 * @see saveToCookie


	protected function restoreFromCookie()





		if($cookie && !empty($cookie->value) && is_string($cookie->value) && ($data=$app->getSecurityManager()->validateData($cookie->value))!==false)



			if(is_array($data) && isset($data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[3]))

















	 * Renews the identity cookie.

	 * This method will set the expiration time of the identity cookie to be the current time

	 * plus the originally specified cookie duration.

	 * @since 1.1.3


	protected function renewCookie()





		if($cookie && !empty($cookie->value) && ($data=Yii::app()->getSecurityManager()->validateData($cookie->value))!==false)



			if(is_array($data) && isset($data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[3]))








	 * Saves necessary user data into a cookie.

	 * This method is used when automatic login ({@link allowAutoLogin}) is enabled.

	 * This method saves user ID, username, other identity states and a validation key to cookie.

	 * These information are used to do authentication next time when user visits the application.

	 * @param integer $duration number of seconds that the user can remain in logged-in status. Defaults to 0, meaning login till the user closes the browser.

	 * @see restoreFromCookie


	protected function saveToCookie($duration)















this code is copy from the framework CWebUser class - I just add a base64_encode and base64_decode to these 3 lines:


class EWebUser extends CWebUser 


	protected function restoreFromCookie()








	protected function renewCookie()








	protected function saveToCookie($duration)








and change the user component class to the EWebUser in the config:






		// enable cookie-based authentication






Hi Thanks. But it doesn’t work.