Hi guys,
Looking for a dev interested in developing a Yii plugin for Z-Ray - a new debugging/profiling tool we’re developing at Zend. No bucks involved, but can offer other perks
Hi guys,
Looking for a dev interested in developing a Yii plugin for Z-Ray - a new debugging/profiling tool we’re developing at Zend. No bucks involved, but can offer other perks
What is the difference between Yii2 tool http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-tool-debugger.html and Z-Ray?
Hi Daniel,
Our team at Clarisoft has a lot of experience with Yii and Zend. Part of the individual development is the opportunity for our team members to work on various R&D projects, and we might be able to help you with this project under its umbrella. Can we set up a call to discuss?
Thank you,
Bogdan Bucura
Would love to chat with you guys. You can skype me at danielbe.zend or send me an email to: daniel.be@zend.com
The concept is similar but there are a lot of differences. Z-Ray enables the debugging of mobile apps and APIs, it can be used in production as well as in development, can be extended to show any info you want (hence my post to the Yii community), and as a whole is a much more robust and rich tool. More than happy to chat about it in an more appropriate venue
Hi Daniel,
We can help in developing this plugin for Yii Framework.
Techies India Inc.
Hi Daniel,
I could surely help you for Yii based work.
Sent you an email and request of Skype.
Please reply so that I can explain how we can go ahead.
Looking forward.