Hi Yii masters,
Firstly sorry because my bad english.
I have a basic questions maybe, but i cant solve it ^^’
So my problem is that, i have a perfectly working gridview what i can sorting perfectly.
I just want to find a way to get a value, what I type into the textbox, which i use in the gridview to sorting my query,
because i want export the sorted query, into the csv file.
One of the View file code what i use:
$this->widget(‘application.extensions.NPager.NGridView’, array(
'id' => 'usergorpu-grid',
'dataProvider' => $model->search(),
'filter' => $model,
'ajaxUrl' => $this->ajaxUrl,
'cssFile' => Yii::app()->baseUrl . '/css/gridview/styles.css',
'template' => '{summary}{pagerlist}{pager}{items}{pager}',
'pagerlist' => array(
'8' => '8',
'10' => '10',
'25' => '25',
'50' => '50',
'100' => '100',
'textItemsPerPage' => 'row page',
'columns' => array(
'name' => 'searchgroup',
'value' => '(is_object($data->group) ? $data->group->name : "")',
'name' => 'searchworkername',
'value' => '$data->worker->name',
Thanks for your support ^^
(The picture what i attachment isnt from my program, i just add it, for a clarity. So i want the value what I type on the textbox - red circle.)