Yii Webservice Validate Values


creating a web service using Yii-1.1.13, when defining data types,


         * @var date Expire date of Package

	 * @soap


	public $expireDate;



	 * @var string {minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=1}

	 * @soap


	public $firstName;



	 * @var string lastName of Customer

	 * @soap


	public $lastName;



	 * @var string gender of customer

	 * @soap


	public $gender;



	 * @var string can be Passport/NIC NO. of user {minOccurs=0, maxOccurs=1}

	 * @soap


	public $idNo;

defined those as above.Bt fot expire_date if i put a string it get the data in to serverside. But after returning data it shows string value for that expire_date element. Please help, why is this occured?

What is the value of "$expireDate" before you send soap request to the server?

Response from server depends on how you implement it.

In general, xsd:date format should follow W3C restrictions for this kind of datetype - see http://books.xmlschemata.org/relaxng/ch19-77041.html.

In order to figure out your problem, you should copy here your WSDL, soap client XML request, and soap server XML response.

Moreover, you should test all your soap implementations with at least one 3rd party soap client tool, because PHP’s soapClient might be buggy in many PHP releases. I would recommend SOAP UI (http://www.soapui.org/), which is for free.