Yes, I like it. Those are the values that I have always liked in Yii.
But I think we could organize those values a little more hierarchically and highlight a few basic concepts. I would put “Being Practical” and “Being Helpful” as the goals, and put other values under them.
How we use human language in the project should express the same goal and values. Yii documentation generally does quite well. This doc could be even more helpful and practical.
Convention over Configuration—what exactly does this mean? Idk. I never found a satisfactory explanation. I don’t think this slogan is either simple or explicit.
Be consistent in voice. “We prefer practice over theory,” is active voice and it assets ownership. “Loud fails are preferred…” is passive and sounds like weasel words—almost as annoying as “considered harmful”.
Be imperative! It’s simpler and conveys purpose. “Be practical”, “Be helpful”, “Be simple”, “Be explicit”.
I’m also not sure about elegance. Aesthetics isn’t central to Yii’s values. Elegance, depending on ones subjective judgement, is often in conflict with being simple and explicit.
I can enjoy writing elegant code but I detest having to deal with other people’s elegant code.
When I dig into framework code to understand what’s going on I do not value elegance. I am thankful if what I find is
I do not want to admire the elegant work of an artisan.
Maintenance is mentioned in the first sentence of this document. Quite right! Software that is most easily maintained is rather boring.
We should help those in the community with artistic ambition to develop their skills in music, poetry, painting and so on.
Thank you for language-related links. That is always a good read to me as a non-native speaker.
Convention over Configuration—what exactly does this mean? Idk. I never found a satisfactory explanation. I don’t think this slogan is either simple or explicit.
That means that we’re trying to find defaults that cover most use-cases so majority of framework users don’t have to configure much.
I’m also not sure about elegance . Aesthetics isn’t central to Yii’s values. Elegance, depending on ones subjective judgement, is often in conflict with being simple and explicit.
Indeed, elegance, probably, doesn’t fit the document well. Too vague.
We should help those in the community with artistic ambition to develop their skills in music, poetry, painting and so on.
Recording Yii videos should be a great fit, right?
As I tried to say - flexibility concerns multiple fields:
1- Customisation inside Yii
2- Flexibility to use only parts of Yii
3- Flexibility in combining Yii with other Software - Frameworks, PHP libs, caching tools etc
What you linked only speaks about 1.