Yii-User Module

I installed yii-1.1.14 and yii-user-r132

It work fine, but when I click menu ‘contact’ obtain

include(WebUser.php) failed to open stream at YiiBase(line 427)

	427: include($className.'php');

The problem is generated by the line, in contact.php

<?php if (Yii::app()->user-hasFlash(contact)); ?>

if I delete the lines who has Yii::app()->user it work fine.

What I must do to inform that WebUser is at protected/modules/user/components/WebUser.php

when contact is at protected/view/site/contact.php


I have a misspelling error at config/main.php

// autoloading model and component classes





	'application.modules.user.componemts.*',  &lt;-- changed by 'application.modules.user.components.*'


and now autoload find WebUser