Yii User Managment (Yum)

i use YUM modules to may project i try to config this to send mail ( registation activation but i complicated



class RegistrationController extends YumRegistrationController {

public function actionRegistration() {


    &#036;profile = new YumProfile;

    if (isset(&#036;_POST['Profile'])) {

        &#036;profile-&gt;attributes = &#036;_POST['YumProfile'];

        if (&#036;profile-&gt;save())

            &#036;user = new YumUser;

        &#036;password = YumUser::generatePassword();

// we generate a dummy username here, since yum requires one

        &#036;user-&gt;register(md5(&#036;profile-&gt;email), &#036;password, &#036;profile);

        &#036;this-&gt;sendRegistrationEmail(&#036;user, &#036;password);

        Yum::setFlash('Thank you for your registration. Please check your email.');




    &#036;this-&gt;render('/registration/registration', array(

        'profile' =&gt; &#036;profile,




public function sendRegistrationEmail(&#036;user, &#036;password) {

    if (&#33;isset(&#036;user-&gt;profile-&gt;email)) {

        throw new CException(Yum::t('Email is not set when trying to send Registration Email'));


    &#036;activation_url = &#036;user-&gt;getActivationUrl();

    if (is_object(&#036;content)) {

        &#036;body = strtr('Hi, {email}, your new password is {password}. Please activate your account by clicking this link: {activation_url}', array(

            '{email}' =&gt; &#036;user-&gt;profile-&gt;email,

            '{password}' =&gt; &#036;password,

            '{activation_url}' =&gt; &#036;activation_url));

        &#036;mail = array(

            'from' =&gt; Yum::module('registration')-&gt;registrationEmail,

            'to' =&gt; &#036;user-&gt;profile-&gt;email,

            'subject' =&gt; 'Your registration on my example Website',

            'body' =&gt; &#036;body,


        &#036;sent = YumMailer::send(&#036;mail);


    return &#036;sent;




should need use extention for tins like


can i give example how config this in controll file tank you have nice day