Yii-user and Yii-mail:How to render an email from view?

Hi, everyone.

I am using yii-user and yii-mail/mailer…


mail: http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/mail

I know that there is a way to customize the email you send to the user, for example, After you sign up, you can receive an "activation code" from my website via email.

And I want to customize that email now…

Here is the code in my registration controller:

if ($model->save()) {



       if (Yii::app()->controller->module->sendActivationMail) {

      $activation_url = $this->createAbsoluteUrl('/user/activation/activation',array(

      "activkey" => $model->activkey, "email" => $model->email));


      "Thank you for your registration at {site_name}",array('{site_name}'=>Yii::app()->name)),

       UserModule::t("Please activate your account here {activation_url}",array('{activation_url}'=>$activation_url)));


Those are some codes from the yii-user 's registration controller. (part about email)

So how should I combined the mailer extension with this??

$message = new YiiMailMessage;

$message->view = 'registrationFollowup';


//userModel is passed to the view

$message->setBody(array('userModel'=>$userModel), 'text/html');




$message->from = Yii::app()->params['adminEmail'];


Where should I put those codes…?

And how should I modify my view?

Any hints would be very, very helpful.



Couple of pointers:

  • Have you set your path to view?
  • Is the view file created? in /protected/view/<mail>/registrationFollowup.php


If you intend to alter the code to use yii-mail then simply replace:


      "Thank you for your registration at {site_name}",array('{site_name}'=>Yii::app()->name)),

       UserModule::t("Please activate your account here {activation_url}",array('{activation_url}'=>$activation_url)));


with your code, but remember to pass the activation url along with your other params, something like:

$message = new YiiMailMessage;

$message->view = 'registrationFollowup';


//userModel is passed to the view

$message->setBody(array('model'=>$model, 'activation_url'=>$activation_url), 'text/html');



$message->from = Yii::app()->params['adminEmail'];


This way you can use your variables in the view