Yii Unit Test Not Working !

Hi, I am following Agile Web Application Development with Yii 1.1 and PHP5.

In chapter 3, when I tried to go along with the unit testing example described, the following error came up in the command prompt.

C:\wamp\www\yiiprojects\demo\protected\tests>phpunit unit/MessageTest.php

PHPUnit 3.7.9 by Sebastian Bergmann.

Function ‘phpunit_autoload’ not found (function ‘phpunit_autoload’ not found or

invalid function name)

But functional test example worked well for me. I tried re-installing phpunit and other dependencies many times.still no luck.

Can someone help? thanks.

Try to change the file : framework\test\CTestCase.php


require_once('PHPUnit/Util/Filesystem.php'); // workaround for PHPUnit <= 3.6.11


if (in_array('phpunit_autoload', spl_autoload_functions())) { // PHPUnit >= 3.7 'phpunit_alutoload' was obsoleted



Hello Marek Surek,

Well, guess what… it worked.

Thank you so much. I was searching all over the Internet for this and your solution did work.

It prints a large amount of code like a stack trace of the error in the console window. but when the code is error free it works really fine.

thanks for the support Marek. really appreciate it.

Dedicated PR in the Github: https://github.com/yiisoft/yii/issues/1563 (just linking with forum topic)

This modification also works for PhPUnit 3.7.9!

Thanks Folks!