Yii project not working on Mac


I am a webdesigner and very new to Yii framework…

I need to implement designs to a Yii project currently i’m working on.

My problem is that my developer has setup the project in Windows which works fine in his Windows system.He setup a svn using the TortosieSVN.

I work on Mac OSX Lion and I checkout the project using Smart SVN. I have all the database installed on mySQL and have all the files.

Does different SVN clients affect??

I changed the protected/config/main.php database connection as


			'connectionString' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=db_fmf',

			'emulatePrepare' => true,

			'username' => 'root',

			'password' => 'root',

			'charset' => 'utf8',


My localhost runs as localhost/~abhijeetbajracharya

is this the problem??

when i try to run the project the browser shows

PHP notice

Undefined variable: cuisine_list


21         <div class="right">

22             <?php echo CHtml::link('View More',array(''));?>

23        </div><br />

24     <div class="clear"></div>

25     </div><!--#gray_blocks-->

26     <div class="laout_5 direcotry_listing">

27         <div class="img_left">

28             <a class="thumbnail" href="#"></a>

29         </div>

30         <div class="texts_right">

31             <h2><a href="#"></a></h2>

32             <p class="address">

33                 <span class="add_1"><?php echo $cuisine_list;?></span> 

34                 <span class="add2"> <?php echo $address; ?></span>

35             </p>

36             <p class="desc"><?php echo $desc;?></p>

37         </div>

38     <div class="clear"></div>

39     </div>

40     <!-- bottom banner-->

41 <?php //$this->renderPartial('_bottomBanner');?>

42 </div><!--#body_content_left-->

43 <div class="body_content_right">

44 <!-- Right side bar -->

45 <?php //$this->renderPartial('_searchRestaurant');?>

Stack Trace



 /Users/abhijeetbajracharya/Sites/fmf/framework/web/CBaseController.php(127): require("/Users/abhijeetbajracharya/Sites/fmf/protected/views/site/index....")



 /Users/abhijeetbajracharya/Sites/fmf/framework/web/CBaseController.php(96): CBaseController->renderInternal("/Users/abhijeetbajracharya/Sites/fmf/protected/views/site/index....", null, true)



 /Users/abhijeetbajracharya/Sites/fmf/framework/web/CController.php(870): CBaseController->renderFile("/Users/abhijeetbajracharya/Sites/fmf/protected/views/site/index....", null, true)



 /Users/abhijeetbajracharya/Sites/fmf/framework/web/CController.php(783): CController->renderPartial("index", null, true)



 /Users/abhijeetbajracharya/Sites/fmf/protected/controllers/SiteController.php(41): CController->render("index")

36        $this->metaKeys=$seo['keys'];

37        if($seo['title']!="")$this->pageTitle=$seo['title'];

38        else $this->pageTitle="Restaurants Home - Restaurants in South Africa";

39        //list 5 active restaurants

40         //get 3 lates approved news

41         $this->render('index');

42     }


44     /**

45      * This is the action to handle external exceptions.

46      */

I’m very new to Yii and i’m no programmer so please help me out…

The message can’t be more clear that that… you need to check if the variable $cuisine_list is defined anywhere… probably it’s not.

Why was this working on the other computer? Probably of an older PHP version or PHP configuration. In any case it’s better for the long run to see where should that variable be defined and define it.