Yii php creative programmer wanted

We are looking for creatives, he regrets and expands our program, we are in Bali but work for a German company

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I’m working with Yii framework for about 11+ years. Worked with both Yii1 and Yii2.

Hello @maxivilla
I will be glad to assist you, please check you DM.
thank you

Hello @maxivilla,
I am Andhika from Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I am an experienced software engineer with more than 10 years of experience in various tech-companies.
let me know if you need help with Yii, thank you!

Hi there,
Hope you are doing well!
I would be interested in helping you with your needs.
Kindly check your DM.
Frank J

Hi! My name Ivana and I live in Jawa Tengah Indonesia. I can help you develop your project. I have more then 10 years of experience in developing complex applications using Yii1 and Yii2. If the work is still relevant, write to me in
Email: ivana.helvin@gmail.com

I want to apply for the role of php yii Developer.
I have 10-year experience in the field of php development.
I have following skills.
Yii,Yii2 and condignator(php framework)
Emial: tanveerabbas412@gmail.com

Hi Maxivilla,
We would like to offer our skilled services for your project.
If location isn’t the constraint our experienced team can handle it

We’ve been highly involved in developing application based on client’s requirement

You can reach us at: info@elderberrytech.com

Awaiting to hear from you


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