Yii oracle driver without PDO

Need to transfer Yii db-driver oci functions, because PDO does not support the call different procedures, functions of the packages oracle.

Googling on this subject, I found none.

Do you have any suggestions, except the implementation of interfaces to access the database?

Can realize someone?

you can use pdo do most work,

and use oci8 to do special case~

What are you intending to do?

This is not an option, as in the annex enough to cause a oci.

The application logic for the most part lies in the database

I’ll try to write a driver for Yii.


Were you [or anyone else] able to do this? I am new to Yii and can’t use the pdo-oci driver since it is deemed ‘experimental’, but am trying to get Yii to connect to my oci8 drivers.



Ubuntu 10.04



Oracle 10 & XE