Yii on XAMP server

I have used php for 6 months on small frameworks. Never came across anything that needs CLI.

I have a portable http://portableapps…velopment/xampp XAMP server on my USB drive. Please let me know how can I run CLI on this to run yiic command.


I am a newbie here. Anybody? Please help.


i don't know the portable xamp-server, and did not tried the following solution, but i think it should work:

change on the comandline from windows to the yii-framework on your usb



cd \xamp\htdocs\yii\framework

I asume the d: is the driveletter of your usb-drive then type:

d:\xamp\php\php.exe yiic.php webapp d:\xamp\htdocs\yourProject

This should create a new yii-webapp with the name "yourProject" in the xamp htdocs folder.

Greetings from Germany


Thank you me23!!!

I installed XAMPP finally. And found this link helpful:
