Yii on pagodabox.com

Hi All,

We are optimizing our hosting platform to host Yii apps. I’m looking for a few people familiar with the framework who would be willing to launch a demo app on our php platform and help us dial in our Yii specific configuration setting.

I can give a private beta invite to anyone willing to give it a go.

Just drop me a line at mark[at]pagodabox(dot)com or message me on twitter: @pagodabox

It shouldn’t take too long.

We configure our servers for you app via a ".box" config file placed in your root.

Sample File : bit.ly/myYd8d

Documentation : bit.ly/j6DZff

When it’s all said and done, I’ll just need two things:

  1. your .box config file

  2. Anything we should document about launching a Yii app (gotchas, etc)

I will use your feedback to write our Yii documentation guide.

