YII on IIS 7


I have a problem with with runnig Yii on IIS 7. I can’t run demo application because a stil get error => " Application runtime path “…” is not valid. Please make sure it is a directory writable by the Web server process."

PHP and IIS works fine, only YII framework applications generate errors :(

I’m looking for some hints for hepl.

Thx in advance. Roman

As the error says seems that it’s a problem with permissions…

You need to grant write access to the account your server is running as (impersonating). PHP will by default impersonate, if the "fastcgi.impersonate" setting is enabled your PHP.INI. If its not enabled, then PHP will be running under "Network Service" (or whatever identity your application pool is set to use). In that case, grant "network service" write access.