Yii not executing my query in controller


Here is my weird experience with Yii today. I am developing an application using Yii on my localhost. I started installing some crap updates to my wamp server [windows] and screwed it up. I uploaded my application on my hosting and some things stopped working. One of them which I wasted a few hours to fix updates a field in my user table and more precisely updates the timestamp in a field representing a last login. Here is the query:

$login_time = time();

$condition = "username = '".Yii::app()->user->name."'";

$upd = Users::model('Users')->updateAll(array('last_login'=>$login_time), $condition);

Initially, the above query was located in my actionLogin:

public function actionLogin()


		$form=new LoginForm;

		// collect user input data




			// validate user input and redirect to previous page if valid


                $login_time = time();

                $condition = "username = '".Yii::app()->user->name."'";

                $upd = Users::model('Users')->updateAll(array('last_login'=>$login_time), $condition);



		// display the login form



…no success.

I setup all types of logging and Yii never executed this as oppose to successfully running it on my localhost. I then copied the query and moved it in the UserIdentity.php class [the file is the same as in the blog tutorial]:

public function authenticate()






        else if(md5($this->password)!==$user->password)


        else if($user->privilege == '0')




            $login_time = time();            



            $condition = "username = '".strtolower($this->username)."'";

            $upd = Users::model()->updateAll(array('last_login'=>$login_time), $condition);




        return !$this->errorCode;


Can someone explain why this query would not run in my SiteController/login action but would successfully run in the UserIdentity class? I would like to know what I have missed to learn about MVC.



you need to put the action you wish to perform for the selection in curly braces {}




perform action,

perform another;




perform action,

perform another

in your case, these lines

                $condition = "username = '".Yii::app()->user->name."'";

                $upd = Users::model('Users')->updateAll(array('last_login'=>$login_time), $condition);

will be executed regardless of whether $form->validate() returns true or false

What you should do in useridentity class is something like:


which saves you a few lines of code

that is:

$login_time = time();

$condition = “username = '”.strtolower($this->username)."’";


OT and really no offense, but could you avoid quoting such long messages completely? It makes threads sometimes hard to read and is usually considered … well … bad habit. ;)

Thanks jayrulez for the valuable advice. I switched to using saveAttributes().

…I am learning…

