Yii+Netbeans: Auto Completion Of Useridentity And Similar

I have followed wiki article about this case and read many forum posts about Netbeans + Yii, but still have some problem.

Adding ingore of yiilite does solves doubled list positions. But how to solve problem with classes like UserIdentity?

I have an example Yii project open in Yii. Added path to framework in project options (don’t use Global Include Path) and ignore to yiilite in Netbeans setup. Now, I write “UserIdentity::” in editor and code completion comes out with three copies per each element in this class. For example I have three “ERROR_NONE” contstants etc.

The problem is because I have whole framework code inside my project code (/protected/framework). I know that this could be a security issue, but this is not the key of this discussion.

Because I’ve included framework code inside my project code I have actually have three UserIdentity classes. One is in-app autogenerated:

  • protected/components/UserIdentity.php
  • protected/framework/cli/views/webapp/protected/components/UserIdentity.php
  • protected/framework/gii/components/UserIdentity.php

Is there any way to solve problems like this or do I have to learn living with this?

In Aptana you can ignore directories - should be able to do the same in NetBeans, I presume?

Don’t know, but… if I ignore framework folder I won’t get code completion for Yii at all, right?

I guess you can ignore the individual paths/files inside of the ‘framework’ directory. :)

Let’s hope a NetBeans expert comes along because this is really a blind leading a blind. :P

Hold on… -> Project Properties -> Ignored Folders…

Sounds like something you can use?

Probably this is some kind of solution.

But to be honest with you, NetBeans started pissing me sou much, that I’m seriously thinking about dropping it in favor of Sublime2.

Even, if it does means paying one-time fee of fifty bucks. But I saw this editor in work and I’m amazed!

I switched to Aptana because of lots of Netbeans issues. :)

Especially the aggressive auto-complete and the fact that I can’t seem to be able to turn off error-detection…

It’s a pity.

Might also be worth looking at PhpStorm. samdark uses it and I switched to it a few months ago. I’ve been pleasantly surprised.

The price of Phpstorm is quite steep, IMO

Especially when Aptana / Emacs does everything I need it to do. :)

True. I got it on a half off sale last month, so it wasn’t so bad. :slight_smile:

Lucky you! :]

I know that according to many paid software sucks and open source is the only way in our misserables lives, but I’m ready to pay for a piece of software or service, if I find it worth and useful.

This topic has auto-magically turned into voting on which IDE is better and why! :] Great! Thanks for some tips and ideas, I’ll surely make a use of it, when deciding on some new IDE.

BTW: Multi-cursors is Sublime2’s feature that just struggled my heart! :] Does any of these mentioned here has this?

I must admit that Sublime Text 2 is almost winning me over. :)

I still love Emacs, but if I can’t solve the annoying TAB handling ‘problems’, I’ll definitely switch to using Sublime.

It does everything I’d ever wanted, even from an IDE.

Trejder, take a look at this:


Perfect readout. Saved for future reference (when I organize fifty bucks for Sublime itself! :]). Thanks!

Keep in mind that you can download, install and start using Sublime Text 2 already, all the while saving up.

The evaluation period is currently not limited.

Which is great. :)

((It’s actually how evaluation should be IMO))

Depends on country, culture and people way of thinking. In my country (Poland) people aren’t willing to pay even if evaluation is limited and over. Even if they run a company and therefore are obligated to pay, by law.

You wouldn’t belive, what some people are willing to do, to not to pay for the software they use! How about installing a 60-days trial Office 2010 on a virtual machine, duplicating it’s drive file and replacing with it current one after each 60 days?

Remember (know?) George Carlin Show? There’s nothing wrong with the planet. The planet is fine… The people are fucked! :] (for example here).

What can I say ? :lol:

(( Sounds a bit like me 10 years ago.:P ))