Yii Migrations Wont Create Database Tables


When I run a migration it says its migrated up successfully but it doesn’t create a table in the database?

Here is my code:


class m130910_194856_create_tbl_project extends CDbMigration


	public function safeUp()


        $this->createTable('tbl_project', array(

            'id' => 'pk',

            'name' => 'string NOT NULL',

            'description' => 'text NOT NULL',

            'create_time' => 'datetime DEFAULT NULL',

            'create_user_id' => 'int(11) DEFAULT NULL',

            'update_time' => 'datetime DEFAULT NULL',

            'update_user_id' => 'int(11) DEFAULT NULL',



	public function safeDown()





Anyone? :(

Don’t worry I solved it my self. Incase anyone else has had my problem, I changed the file “console.php” inside config folder by un commenting the mysql config block and that seemed to do it weirdly enough!!