Yii & Joomla Integration

Hi all, i am a Yii Framework Developer. Recently a client ask to me to develop 1 app in Yii and integrate this app with joomla, the "integration" part with joomla only is because the use of user management of joomla (users, roles, logins, etc).

I never before had developed for joomla and i am in learning process, in this topic i found this great wiki:


And was a great starting point, however i find a lot of issues and problems, if someone here has successfully achieved this goal please share some tips.

I will keep trying and when i finish i promise make a v.2 of the Wiki that @zaccaria (http://www.yiiframework.com/user/2584/) makes for us.

At this point my advance and problems are:

-I am using {jumi [*4]} for insert the Yii app in a content and i can see the app, Yii apears, is this the correct way of using jumi? ???

  • The links in my Yii app doesnt work how can achieve that??

  • Any advice in the use of forms, how can i process the forms with Yii

The biggest problem now are the links, i am trying to achieve a correct navigation inside the yii app but i cant generate that. Always get not found pages.

Thanks in advice i hope your answers could help a lot of people.

pd. i start a new post because i am newbie and cant post a reply in anothers topics or wiki.