Yii Gii CRUD Generator and how to show the generated files


I have generated with gii my model files (search, controler, …)… Now I have a folder called “dokumententypen” under C:\xampp\htdocs\yii\advanced\frontend\views\dokumententypen with files like index.php, view.php.

But how can I show these now? I have watched a tutorial where a link like: was used but it doesn’t work. I got always “page not found” errors.

I have also used to include the page into my layout file under views/layouts with the line:
[‘label’ => ‘Dokumententypen’, ‘url’ => [’/dokumententypen/index’]],

but I got the same error. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance!


Can you check what was the controller name generated under frontend/controllers/ when you ran Gii?