Yii Framework Want To Fetch 3 Model In Single Actioncontroller And Post Using Single Activedataprovider

Yii Framework want to fetch 3 model in single actioncontroller and post using single ActiveDataProvider


I have this Action in my controller

public function actionIndex() {

    $this->layout = 'column3';

    $model = new Projects('search');


    $test = $model->contact_id = Yii::app()->User->id;

    $myid = Projects::model()->findByAttributes(


                'contact_id' => $test


    $notes = Notes::model()->findByAttributes(array(

        'parent_id' => $myid->id,

        'parent_type' => "Projects"


    $this->render('index', array(

        'model' => $model,

        'notes' => $notes



//=======================View Index File==============================

//=====================I Am using BListView in index.php View Page====


$this->widget(‘bootstrap.widgets.TbListView’, array(





//======================This is render _view file======================

<div class="view">

&lt;b&gt;&lt;strong&gt; &lt;?php echo CHtml::encode(&#036;data-&gt;getAttributeLabel('name')); ?&gt;&lt;/strong&gt;:&lt;/b&gt;

&lt;?php echo CHtml::encode(&#036;data-&gt;name); ?&gt;

&lt;br /&gt;

&lt;b&gt;&lt;?php echo CHtml::encode(&#036;data-&gt;getAttributeLabel('start_date')); ?&gt;:&lt;/b&gt;

&lt;?php echo CHtml::encode(&#036;data-&gt;start_date); ?&gt;

&lt;br /&gt;

&lt;b&gt;&lt;?php echo CHtml::encode(&#036;data-&gt;getAttributeLabel('end_date')); ?&gt;:&lt;/b&gt;

&lt;?php echo CHtml::encode(&#036;data-&gt;end_date); ?&gt;

&lt;br /&gt;



foreach (&#036;notes as &#036;notes) {

    echo &#036;note-&gt;description;





chek below links , will help about quering related models

relational query options


performing relation query
