Yii Export Results

As you can see above, I want to submit the form on the click of the Menu ie [Export…].

So that by whatever criteria i did search will also carry for the Export, except the pagination.

Please Help me!!!

Hello Chintan Shah,

as I see you need to think to Export to Excel inside search box, not a separated operation (controller action). If you need the parameters issued in the search box is easy to see why…

See this example: http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/index.php/topic/20144-export-a-search-results-to-excel/page__view__findpost__p__98553

You will need to change a few Views and the Controller and perhaps some minor changes onto the Model.

Hope it helps,


Hey cbi,

Thanks for the Reply, I tried it already, but by yr way, it breaks my working functionality…

like, when i click on search, it doesn’t pass the params. so the basic things gone wrong…

and even on Sorting and pagination… i m loosing my selected params… so if u can help me on that… i m ready for that way also…

Mmmh, are you trying with the example I’ve recommended you? By adding a new button at search box you complement actionAdmin() and search() functions… you can access Model parameters 'cos you’re at controller actionAdmin() !!

If you add a new operation/action “link”, you’ll need to append current search’ parameters which exists inside search form aside from sort and page params…



here is the code of View file, above grid…

Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('index', "


        $.fn.yiiGridView.update('search-grid', {

                data: $('.search-form form').serialize()


        return false;



Buttons HTML:

$form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(




)); ?>

<div class="searchrRow" >

	<div class="leftDiv" >	


		echo $form->labelEx($smodel,'E_NAME');

		echo CHtml::activeDropDownList($smodel,'E_ID', $dmodel->getEmployees(),array('prompt'=>'Select'));

		echo '</div><div class="rightDiv">';

		echo $form->labelEx($smodel,'D_NAME',array('class'=>'labelPadding'));

		echo CHtml::activeDropDownList($smodel,'E_DEPTID', $emodel->getDeptTypes(),array('prompt'=>'Select'));

		echo '</div><div class="rightDiv">';

		echo $form->labelEx($smodel,'TYPE');

		echo CHtml::activeDropDownList($smodel,'LS_LTYPEID', array('0'=>'Leaves','1'=>'Comp Off', '2'=>'Both') ,array('class'=>'smallDropDown'));



	<div class="searchDiv">

<!--		<button class="btn" type="submit"> Search </button> -->

		<?php echo CHtml::submitButton('Search', array( 'id'=>'submit-button','name'=>'submit-button')); ?> 



<div style="clear:both;"></div>

<div class="searchrRow">

	<div class="leftDiv">


		echo $form->labelEx($smodel,'LS_FROM');














		echo $form->error($smodel,'LS_FROM');

		echo '</div><div class="rightDiv">';

		echo $form->labelEx($smodel,'LS_TO',array('class'=>'labelPadding'));















		echo $form->error($smodel,'LS_TO'); 

		echo '</div><div class="rightDiv">';

		echo $form->labelEx($smodel,'LS_STATUS');

		echo CHtml::activeDropDownList($smodel,'LS_STATUS', $lsmodel->getAllStatus(),array('prompt'=>'Select'));

		echo $form->error($smodel,'LS_STATUS');



	<div class="searchDiv">

		<a onclick="javascript:clearAll(1);"> Clear All </a>



<div style="clear:both;"></div>

<?php echo CHtml::submitButton( 'Export', array( 'id' => 'export', 'name' => 'export' ) ); ?>

<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>

just by adding this code, i lost my working functionality of search…means it is not caring my criteria to controller.

"[font="Courier New"]search-grid[/font]" is the id of your CGridView ??



Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('index', "


        $.fn.yiiGridView.update('search-grid', {

                data: $('.search-form form').serialize()


        return false;



$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(












		array(            // display Dept Name









		    'value'=> '$data["TLNAME"]',



		array(            // display From Date 






		array(            // display To Date






		array(            // display Leave Status






		array(            // display Leave Days 






		array(            // display Type








Try to add to your CGridView:


this will avoid Ajax and see if your actionAdmin() receive the params…


now form is submitting but, params are not carrying over there… :(