The yii requirements page says PDO extension + the mysql driver works, phpinfo() says that PDO and the MySQL driver is installed, I have configured the ‘db’ component in the main config file for my project generated with yiic webapp, checked and double checked that the settings are correct (and yes, I am using mysql).
I have made a new migration script in /[mywebapp]/protected/migrations and now I’m trying to run the ./protected/yiic migrate command, but i just get an exception:
exception ‘CDbException’ with message ‘CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection: could not find driver’
At the same time, my gii work perfectly in the browser!
Unless I’m misunderstanding, the migrate command will use the config settings from your console.php config file. Have you set the database config correctly in there?
exception 'CException' with message 'Property "CDbConnection.ConnectionString" is not defined.' in /opt/lampp/htdocs/yii-1.1.13/framework/base/CComponent.php:130