Yii deployment on Sourceforge

I successfully deployed my Yii powered app on both Dreamhost, One.com and both my Debian box and my Windows box without any problems.

But when I upload the thing to Sourceforge, it dies a horrible death.

Everything is blank.???

Have any of you hosted your apps using Sourceforge’s web service?

Do you have any tips and tricks to share?

I am baffled.

The requirements script is all green.

Yii is simply not run, not at all.

Of course, no Yii logs.

(I’ll see if I can dig out the Apache logs when I can - Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.3 it is)

I’ll continue to troubleshoot the issue, but please share any insights/tips you might have.

If you are using Sourceforge to host your Yii powered app, please tell me that you are.

So that I know that it can be done.

Why on Earth is this topic in ‘Feature Requests’ ??

It was posted in ‘Installation’ - Mod: could you move it? :)

The bottom line is that Yii works on Sourceforge. :)

However, I’ve written an installer which is in ‘htdocs/installer’ - that doesn’t work on Sourceforge.

They must have some sort of restriction, because every request is redirected to the document root.

It works on other servers, just not on SF.

Which means that my brand new, automated installer can’t be used there.

Too bad.

Moved as requested…

Thanks, Mdomba! :)

I think I can conclude that Yii runs nicely on Sourceforge, as long as you stay in the document root - not possible to run a yii instance from a subdirectory.

So I probably have to rewrite my installer so that it works on a host with those restrictions.

Tip 1: Turn on error reporting:

Sourceforge is tricky because PHP error reporting is off - but put these two lines in your .htaccess to show them:

php_value display_errors 1

php_value display_startup_errors 1

Be sure to comment those two lines out as soon as you’re done trouble-shooting.

If you don’t put those two lines in, you’re greeted with a white page of nothing. ;)

Tip 2: Sending YiiMail:

In config/mail.php:


  return array(

	'class' => 'ext.yii-mail.YiiMail',

	'transportType' => 'smtp',

	'transportOptions' => array(

    	'encryption' => 'ssl',

    	'host' => 'prwebmail',

    	'username' => 'projectname',

    	'password' => 'your_password',

    	'port' => '465',


	'viewPath' => 'application.views.mail',

	'dryRun' => false,


In your main config:

    	'mail' => require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/mail.php'),

Also, while there is ssh access, there is no cron.