Yii Cache Results

I am doing searching on product location and product type the results I want to cache the data.

How to cache the results?

	public function actionMainsearch($rss = null){

		$criteria = new CDbCriteria;

		$criteria->addCondition('active = ' . Product::STATUS_ACTIVE);

			$this->render('index', array(

				'criteria' => $criteria,

				'count' => $Count,


		$location = Yii::app()->request->getPost('search_area');

		$search_item = Yii::app()->request->getPost('search_item');

		$search_item = preg_split('/[\ \,]+/', $search_item);

		if(!count($search_item)) {

			$search_item = array();


		$location = preg_split('/[\ \,]+/',$location);

		if(!count($location)) {

			$location = array();


		$attributes = Product::getSearchAttributes();

		foreach($attributes as $attribute) {

			foreach($search_item as $term) {		

				$criteria->addSearchCondition("LOWER($attribute)", strtolower($term), true, 'OR','LIKE');



		$locattributes = Product::getLocationSearchAttributes();

		foreach($locattributes as $attribute) {

			foreach($loc as $term) {		

				$criteria->addSearchCondition("LOWER($attribute)", strtolower($term), true, 'OR','LIKE');



		$criteria->with = array();

		if(count($location)) {

			$criteria->with = array_merge($criteria->with,array('city','country','state'));


		if(count($search_item)) {

			$criteria->with =  array_merge($criteria->with,array('objType'));


		$listingCount = Product::model()->count($criteria);

			$this->render('index', array(

				'criteria' => $criteria,

				'count' => $listingCount,



How can I cache the search string and the results?

Have you read caching section in yii guide? There’re several types of caching approaches described. Data caching seems to be what you need.