Yii as Azure Web App


I’m trying to deploy a Yii 2.0 application as an Microsoft Azure Web App. This platform offers many advantages (very easy continuos deployment, easy to scale up and down, between others).

I faced one issue: Azure Web App platform does not allow you to change directory structure. This generates two problems: 1) you cannot use a FileTarget log (fortunatedlly there are other alternatives). 2) Asset management does not work in the production environment.

I’m trying to manage the second problem including all assets generated in development environment in the version control, so they are deployed with all other files. But I’m still getting internal errors, it seems that Yii still needs the write permission on these files.

The option to disable Asset Management seems not to be a good idea.

I’ll like to challenge the Yii staff to face this problem. Otherwise we will be loosing the oportunity to use this wonderfull platform (unless someone convinces Microsoft to allow the write access).