Yii 3 DI getting out of scope but not releasing PDO connection?


I’m using the Yiisoft Yii 3 DI in my Redis message queue script, and while testing my retry-loop, I’m getting “Too many connections” error from MySQL.

My container and injector are in a function that ends after each retry.

function process_task($task)
  // omitted code...
  $task_data = $task[1];
  $message = unserialize($task_data);
  $container = new Container($diConfig);
  $injector  = new Injector($container);
  // This will create a new Db class with a new PDO connection
  $result = $message($injector);
  // Check result...

Looks like something is still dangling?
When I close the connection explicitly, I don’t get the error.

Still on PHP 7.4, so I’m using

    "yiisoft/di": "^1.1",
    "yiisoft/injector": "^1.2",

The Redis script uses a while(true) { ... process ... } loop, together with supervisor to keep the script running if it fails. But maybe it’s better to rely only on supervisor without such a loop? To close the entire PHP environment after each successful message.

Looks like you are opening a connection for each task or something and not closing it.