i was just asking to check, if there is any inbuilt features available to interact with MongoDB or NoSQL db’s in yii3.
i was just asking to check, if there is any inbuilt features available to interact with MongoDB or NoSQL db’s in yii3.
Yii3 is collection of packages: https://www.yiiframework.com/status/3.0
not monolith like Yii2.
May be helpful: https://github.com/yiisoft/docs/tree/master/guide/en
Does yii3.x have plans to support Above php8.0 only
Currently it’s 7.4+
I would love to get back to yii3 as soon as Gii is ready. Yii3 has the bells n whistle i m interested in.
I would like to help some with yii3.gii
I do not want to go to laravel yet
Since Yii3 is not yet ready, you can use Yii2.
I do not want to migrate Yii2 code to Yii3. That’s why like many others I have been waiting
no tell me, sherlock
Still any date on launch on Yii3?
will it be realeased at 2021 spring?
Hope so. At least for beta. Working on it.
@samdark, four months after your last answer here, can you provide some update on Yii 3 release, some plans, maybe some obstacles etc.? Thank you.
How about progress on Yii3 development? | Yii PHP Framework. Updates are in Yii Software - Open Collective
Finally started migrating my site from Yii1 to Yii2 a few days ago. Is yii3 a total rewrite? should i wait?
Really don’t wanna move to laravel.
Thanks! will check it out
when will it be released, i’ve been waiting for long
Waiting for Yii3. I love Yii framework. Don’t want to go in Laravel for now.
Only 49 of 120 packages are completed. It means it will take one more year to complete ?