Yii 3.0. Getting started with testing

I am trying to write testing for a behavior written with yii3 (multilingual behavior).

I am not that experienced with PHPUnit so I am reading the documentation and the tests in yii repos.

I was not able to mock the application. I am always getting the following exception

yii\di\exceptions\InvalidConfigException: Failed to instantiate "app".       
Caused by                                                                    
ReflectionException: Class app does not exist                                

my test class is

class PolyglotBehaviorTest  extends \yii\tests\TestCase
    protected function setUp()
        parent::setUp(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub

    public function testSql()
        $this->assertEquals(2, 01+1);

What am I doing wrong? Anybody have an advice where to start with this topic?

If anybody interested, requiring yiisoft/yii-console solved my problem. the class app\console\Application is obviously needed to run tests in console environment when calling $this->mockApplication(). It took me sometime to figure out that this class is now in a separate package and to understand how hiqdev/composer-config-plugin works.

The new configuration with hiqdev/composer-config-plugin is really confusing.