Yii 2 not creating assets?

Hi everyone, need some help
I am working on Yii 2 advanced app that I cloned from GitHub
Problem is that is not autogenerating assets. I have browser console full of missing assets errors and directory backend/web/assets is empty.
I try almost everything that is AI (ChatGPT, Bard) proposing. I am using windows 11 operating system.
Did anyone had similar problem or know the solution to this? Thanks in advance.

Greetings, check the folder permissions

Already checked, it has full permission

Hi. I bet for permissions. Test it and prove it for yourself. Write simple few lines php script which will try to make directory in your “web” directory then make any files in it.

You can also delete the ‘assets’ folder and observe if the framework will create new one.

Test written by our never sleeps AI friend :slight_smile:

$webDirectory = '/var/www/html'; // Change this to the path of your web directory
$testDirectoryName = 'test_directory';
$testFilePath = $webDirectory . '/' . $testDirectoryName . '/test_file.txt';

if (is_writable($webDirectory)) {
    // Create a test directory
    if (!file_exists($webDirectory . '/' . $testDirectoryName)) {
        if (mkdir($webDirectory . '/' . $testDirectoryName)) {
            echo "Directory '$testDirectoryName' created successfully.<br>";

            // Create a test file within the directory
            if (file_put_contents($testFilePath, 'This is a test file content.')) {
                echo "Test file '$testFilePath' created successfully.<br>";

                // Check if the test file is writable
                if (is_writable($testFilePath)) {
                    echo "The test file is writable by the server process.<br>";
                } else {
                    echo "The test file is not writable by the server process.<br>";
            } else {
                echo "Failed to create the test file.<br>";
        } else {
            echo "Failed to create the test directory.<br>";
    } else {
        echo "Directory '$testDirectoryName' already exists.<br>";
} else {
    echo "Apache's web directory is not writable by the server process.<br>";

All good, says the script :smiley:

[…] You can also delete the ‘assets’ folder and observe if the framework will create new one.

Also check if it is not related to capital letters in your path?

When I delete assets folder and reload I get error of missing folder, so the framework is not creating one. As for capital letters in path, Web-Backend is folder I get from cloning app from github, do you mean something else?