Yii 2 Chm Documentation


I’ve forked Yii 2 apidoc and enabled it to generate API and guide documentation into appropriate CHM manual. It is based on existing apidoc Bootstrap theme, which is quite good-looking, and documentation search features were replaced with built-in CHM search.


You will need existing Microsoft Html Help Workshop installation to compile CHM from generated project files. There are ways to set up and run it via Wine in Linux/Mac environment.

There’s compiled CHM in releases, I will keep it updated for significant documentation changes.

Why not upload on same repo the compiled chm for Others?

Also to Linux users there is no need for CHM per se. The viewers there are horrible!

BTW does it include Yii Guide too?

I release the compiled .chm automatically. Yes, it includes guide, core API and extensions API.


I find Kchmviewer tolerable enough for what it should do. It doesn’t allowed js out of the box (should be enabled manually, it’s required for Bootstrap widgets), but otherwise it is fine.

Good I have an app that make use of Uncompiled files (html, hhk, hhp). So I will benefit from this.

Great. Feel free to ask if you have questions on subject.

downloaded the compiled chm file, the toc are there and the indices, but i cant see the actual content.

Great work bis, thank you.

When do you update documentations for version 2.0.6?

Updated manual in chm format can be downloaded from this: memo2web.blogspot.de/2016/12/yii2-windows-chm.html (yii2-2.0.10.chm).

Thank you, you really rock.

Thank you for the help generating the Yii guide and API in chm. However, this newer version 2.0.10 does not contain material that is already online. For example, in the Widgets section, there is missing documentation for GridView, ListView, etc. while the online guide (http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-README.html) includes them. It seems that the repository from which the chm help file is generated must be synced with the main doc repository (https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/tree/master/docs/guide).

I have compiled chm/webhelp with the latest docs/api/guide.

Click the following link to get (check the latest build by date [maybe revision too]):

  • Yii2 Manuals (Github)
