Yii 2.0 Page Not found

Hi, im creating my first project with yii 2.0, everything worked perfectly when i created the application, but after when i used the gii to create a model, controller and CRUD i cant access the generated files.

Im always getting an 404 Page not found error when i try to access them, can someone help me with this?

Could you please provide some more details.

As I can see, from the photo, you are trying to open your User Controller.

Yes im trying to perform index.php?r=user/index but I’m always getting that error, it happens to every controller I try to use.

I created an action on siteController and render the view user/index and it worked so i guess this is something about routing.

check in frontend/controllers, views, models

are they exist there? nd configure properly.?

Please see the link below with the code and the database


Thank you.

Replace your namespace from:

namespace backend\Controllers;


namespace backend\controllers;

and it should work.

It is not the issue.

i have install your folder in mine localhost.

same issued faced then i update composer all work well.

u have to update composer.

For me, the change above works perfectly.

It works now, thank’s everyone