Yii 1.1x

Well…friends I am a novice PHP programmer and I have Apple mac book…Is there be any kind of problem If i will install Yii 1.2x on it… :mellow:

Hello. Just make sure you have a webserver on your MB or download and install the free version of MAMP (it’s more than enough for development purposes). And grab the latest version of Yii 1.1.x and extract it under the htdocs folder (that would have been created by MAMP). Follow then Yii guide and / or online tutorials.

Ya, I have web server on my MB…I would like to know one more thing is there any kind of classpath setting is to be performed for the server in the NB or any setting.

BTW thanks. :)

I’m using MAMP (free version) and I haven’t used any setting to have the first demo app working on Mac OS X 10.6.8.

[color="#008000"]NOTE: moved to proper section (Installation and Setup instead of General Discussion for Yii 1.1.x)[/color]

Well, thanks for your great feedback it will definitely help me while performing installation.I will post you back when i will have working Yii framework. ::)