Yii 1.1 will continue?

The Yii 2 is in RC and soon the final version will be released. The Yii 1.1 will continue? or will be discontinued?

Yii 1.1 will be supported for another year at least. http://www.yiiframework.com/news/60/yii-1-1-will-be-supported-till-dec-31-2015/

I think Yii 1 will continue becacuse you need full webroot control to install Yii 2. A lot of shared hostings don’t have webroot control, so you will have to stick with Yii 1.

You can create a custom directory structure or simply use these:

Yii2 Practical-A app

Yii2 Practical-B app

Composer, which requires command line access, is another possible problem but you can install/update dependencies in your development environment and upload them via FTP.

Not really. If you have root privileges in your server you will always be able to do a lot more things than in a shared hosting, but running a Yii/Yii2 site as easy as uploading one of the available templates via FTP.

Thanks Travis Stroud for the link.

Thank you for your attention