YII 1.1 Nested Module route not Working

I have faced the problem for conflict the routes in YII 1.1. Parent and child module have the same name. but actual URL is Different.

File Structure

+ modules

 + module1

  + controller


   + modules

    + module2

      + controller


 + module2

  + controller






1) XXX:8000/index.php/module1/default/index

2) XXX:8000/index.php/module2/default/index

3) XXX:8000/index.php/module1/module2/default/index

3rd URL roted to URL 2.

When i called module1 or module2 controllers it’s work fine. but i called module1/module2 controller it’s routes to base module ‘module2’.

my URLManager









Thanks in advance.