I have enabled "beautiful urls" by configuring the CUrlManager like this:
Unfortunately I have quite some issues with filtering since I enabled it, and I now analysed why.
Basically, after applying a few filter updates, the url generated by CGridView looks like this:
The "GET" parameter having "valueB" is the most recently requested filter.
Unfortunately, the CUrlManager will decode the ‘param/valueA’ part and applies ‘valueA’ to param1.
So, IMHO this is not the right behavior: the actual GET values should have precedence over the values encoded in the path. So I think that the algorithm should be to convert the path "parameters" to an array and "merge" the actual $_GET value with it so that the provided $_GET values have precedence.
The CUrlManager does the following for the default parameters (i.e., it test if the $_GET value exists); something similar in spirit should be applied to the path parameters.
foreach($this->defaultParams as $name=>$value)
I looked if other people had the same issue and I found a report dating back to 2010:
Unfortunately that is a “Wont-fix”, but I do not understand the rational compared to my use. I have no ‘*’, so I can not remove it.
I’ld think that if the CUrlManager breaks the CGridView filterering, that this is something abnormal in the framework.