Yii 1.1.13 Is Released

We are very pleased to announce the immediate availability of Yii Framework version 1.1.13. You can download it from the Yii project site at


This release includes about 70 minor features and enhancements, and more than 50 bug fixes. For the complete list of changes in this release, please see:


We again have received significant contributions from our community users (e.g. resurtm, creocoder, klimov-paul, SonkoDmitry, senz, Yiivgeny) to this release. We hereby thank their effort in making this release available.


The Yii Developer Team

Action failed: You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day

Great news!

Thank you so much, Yii Team. :)

Thank you for the new release! Great work, as always. :)

I just downloaded the sources and the docs. I was wondering, what happened to the chm file inside the docs archive? The chm file format is very handy to use.

NICE!!! :D

Seems to be a [color="#2E8B57"]very stable[/color] release this time!

2013 begins with 1.1.13 ;D

Good news thanks for the great job to all dev team !

(I miss the chm file too)



OK, I voted up for you. Please do it for me, later.

Thank you Softark - I feel much better now. :)

Good job Yii Team/Community Users! (I also miss the chm file)

Btw…Happy new year for all! B)

It’s cool to start the new year with a new stable version of Yii…

Happy New Yii :D

Happy new year! :lol:

happy new year

and happy birthday, qiang

thanks for this brilliant framework

I second that! :)

Happy New Year! It’s not my birthday though. ;)

A New Yii on a New Year… :D

Cheers to Yii Team

Thanks for stable version, and happy new year all. New version was released in new year. Thank to yii team. Great team. B)


Thank you very much for what you have! ;)

Upgraded works good :)


Amazing work, thanks

Thank you for the new release!