Yii 1.0.11 and 1.1RC are released

Dear Yii Folks,

We are very pleased to announce two releases of Yii Framework: 1.0.11 and 1.1 release candidate (RC). You can download them from the Yii download site:

The 1.0.11 release is a maintenance release over the previous 1.0 releases. It includes about ten bug fixes and many minor feature enhancements. For a complete list of the changes included in this release, please visit:


The 1.1 RC release is the last release before we formally release version 1.1 which represents more than one year of hard work from our developer team and the Yii user community. In this release, we included several useful components, such as CActiveDataProvider, CGridView, CListView, CDetailView, etc. They help to further improve the rapid application development (RAD) experience offered by Yii. For changes in this release, please visit:


Do not use the 1.1 RC version for production use. Before it is formally released, we may still introduce changes that may break the backward compatibility. We expect to formally release 1.1 in January 2010.

We do not recommend you upgrade from 1.0 to 1.1 if your existing Yii-powered websites already working very well. Upgrading may need quite a bit effort if your project contains a lot of AR models due to the backward-compatibility breaking changes introduced in 1.1.

You may find instructions on how to upgrade from 1.0 to 1.1 at:



The Yii Developer Team


congrats guys, and thanks!


Well done. Great job and thank you, especially for the list view, grid view and detail view. They are a blessing for cms development.

…great !! My christmas present is here !! … Thanks to the whole yii dev team ;)


it’s a good news~

Great news, but I think that more examples should be provided to the documentation and cookbook. Is it feasible?

Very nice! Thanks for Yii 1.1RC!

just a small bug report:

I try to use a CRudcolumn standalone without a CGridView, for example in an <li>.

When calling a standalone CRudcolumn widget from a widget, i get an errormessage:


Widget.baseUrlScript is not defined

Maybe a widget should become a pre-defined, standard baseUrlScript?

The Docu says:

Doesn´t work yet :(

Almost Last one:

Is there a possibility to define a title for foreign-key-relation fields?

‘owner.name’, // an attribute of the related object “owner”

to something like:

array(‘title’ => ‘The parent class’, value => owner.name);

Last one:

Please update the pages generated by the CRUD CLI-Command to use the new Widgets.

We could pass parameters to the crud-generator (‘widgets’=>‘enable’) to generate this pages, so we have a fallback for people who doesn´t want to use this widgets. In the next step, i think about an (‘lang’ => ‘de’) to generate german CRUD-Pages, for example…

Very last one:

Shouldn´t ‘view’ be ‘show’ in the CRudColumn? :)

again: thanks for the hard work so far!!

Congrats!!! I’m happy to see how much is growing this framework…

Thanks guys, i have been working with yii for the last couple of weeks and its great.

When will yii 1.1.0 stable version be released?

Welcome to the forum.

I think I’ve read somewhere release is set for february, also new website is coming :)