Xupload Path Image

hi friends

how to get image uploaded path in xupload etention ?


class HomeController extends Controller




    public function actions()


        return array(



                'path' =>Yii::app() -> getBasePath() . "/../uploads",

                'publicPath' => Yii::app() -> getBaseUrl() . "/uploads",




    function actionEditUser($id)


	$model 	= User::fetchUserData($id);

	$upload = new XUploadForm;

        //.... any code

        $this->render('back/editUser',array('model'=>$model, 'perm'=>$permission, 'listAccess'=>$listAccess, 'upload' => $upload));





$this->widget('xupload.XUpload', array(

	'url' => Yii::app()->createUrl("cpanel/home/upload", array("parent_id" => 1)),

	'model' => $upload,

	'attribute' => 'file',

	'multiple' => true,



I then uploaded the photo URL into the text box !

You must add subfolder var

    public function actions()


        return array(



                'path' =>Yii::app() -> getBasePath() . "/../uploads",

                'publicPath' => Yii::app() -> getBaseUrl() . "/uploads",

                'subfolderVar' => 'parent_id'




When I installed this plugin. It doesn’t show uploaded images. And I had change plugins code


In "run" function



      if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "GET") {

            $model = new XUploadForm;

            $path = (($this->_subfolder != "") ? ("{$this->path}/{$this->_subfolder}/") : "{$this->path}/") . Yii::app()->request->getQuery($this->subfolderVar, date("mdY")) . "/";

            $publicPath = (($this->_subfolder != "") ? ("{$this->publicPath}/{$this->_subfolder}/" . Yii::app()->request->getQuery($this->subfolderVar, date("mdY"))) : "{$this->publicPath}/") . Yii::app()->request->getQuery($this->subfolderVar, date("mdY")) . "/";

            $result = array();

            if (is_dir($path)) {

                foreach (scandir($path) as $file) {

                    if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && strpos($file, "th_") !== 0 && strpos($file, "thb_") !== 0) {

                        $info = getimagesize($path . $file);

                        $filesize = filesize($path . $file);

                        $result[] = array(

                            "name" => $file,

                            "type" => $info['mime'],

                            "size" => $filesize,

                            "url" => $publicPath . $file,

                            "thumbnail_url" => $this->getThumbnailPath($publicPath, $file),

                            "delete_url" => $this->getController()->createUrl("upload", array(

                                "_method" => "delete",

                                "file" => $path . $file


                            "delete_type" => "POST"




                echo json_encode($result);


       } else {

            if (isset($_GET["_method"])) {


how to echo filename after upload !?

This plagin send image data like json array using ajax. Look to my code above, and you will see this array, and its parrameters ($result);

You can change XUpdloadAction code to your need

Could you help me to solve one problem?

I managed to setup XUpload correctly, and it loads images and moves them to the proper folder. But I can’t load existing photos on Edit page. Do you have any ideas?