Xtreme-Football.net provides the ultimate free online league experience for Madden gamers on both the PS3 and Xbox 360.
Sourcing game data from the EA online franchise website, we provide an authentic NFL look and feel.
With secure registration, secure log-in, and the ability to view, join, and receive invites for all leagues using the xtreme-Football.net service.
Your league’s homepage provides space for your own league banner, an up-to-date scoreboard ticker, easy to navigate menus for all statistical tracking, and customizable content widgets. Embed content such as videos, images, chat boxes, RSS feeds, links to your own website, and much more.
Game results are listed in a clean format – displaying quarter by quarter scoring, team records, and top performers. With user-friendly navigation functionality, you can track results from every week of every season of league play.
A full statistical break-down is provided for every game played. All passing, receiving, rushing, defensive, special teams, and team statistics are displayed accurately.
The Game Recaps tab allows you to let everyone in your league know what happened in the game. Show off your writing skills!
Easily navigate to any team in your league, and view their team profile. Analyze their schedule and results, their roster and depth charts, their league rankings and many other stats.
The team profile page also comes with a team blog section. Each team owner can provide content that relates to their team…breaking news, injuries, trades, player releases and acquisitions. Let your creativity shine.
Each team blog is kept track of on the league homepage news widget. With just a simple click, you can read the full blog and make comments.