xpath href acceptance test codeception.

hi, i have the following code,

<a data-confirm="Are you sure to block this user?" data-method="post" data-pjax="0" href="/backend/web/index-test.php/user/admin/block.html?id=7" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger btn-block">Bloquear</a>

<a data-confirm="Are you sure to block this user?" data-method="post" data-pjax="0" href="/backend/web/index-test.php/user/admin/block.html?id=9" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger btn-block">Bloquear</a>

as the label is the same ‘Bloquear’ as I can verify the href attribute to click ‘id=7’. codeception acceptance test (selenium webdriver).

I tested,


No works,
