X-Editable In Detailview?


Does anyone know how (or if possible) to put the xeditable into the detail view?




You would need to return the widget markup in the attribute value.

// set this in your detail view attributes


   'attribute' => 'attrib_name',

   'format' => 'raw',

   'value' => TheEditableWidget::widget([



        // other options



Alternatively, you could also try my yii2-detail-view extension - it allows you to completely toggle VIEW and EDIT modes in DetailView. You can check a demo here.


your detail view looks great i have seen previously and will use int he future. I was trying to follow some consistency on a current page and also wanted to get this working. I only succeed in getting the html code back in the detail view which i assume is produced by the widget.

i have tried with ‘type’=> ‘raw’ which i assume is the old way in yii1 and now have tried with ‘name’=>‘name:raw’, but still no luck. Still shows in html markup.





                        // 'attribute' => 'name',


                        'value' => \mcms\xeditable\XEditableTextArea::widget([

                            'model' => $model,

                            'placement' => 'right',

                            'pluginOptions' => [

                                'name' => 'name',


                            'callbacks' => [

                                'validate' => new \yii\web\JsExpression('

                                    function(value) {

                                        if($.trim(value) == "") {

                                            return "This field is required";







Ready X-Editable options, and use events to call html value, text, etc with jquery, javascript, ok.

echo \mcms\xeditable\XEditableTextArea::widget([

				'id' => 'content',

				'model' => $model,

				'pluginOptions' => [

					'url' => '/content/editable',

					'name' => 'content',


				'events' => [

					'display' => new \yii\web\JsExpression('

						function(value) {






The array keys/params you used for setting up detail view attributes are wrong (its a bit different in Yii2 than Yii1)… you may want to check the yii\widgets\DetailView guide.

You must use something like the following:





   'value' => $yourEditableWidget


Wahoo, we have a winner. That worked. Thanks.