
Hi there! I’m glad to share with you my last work, a site-vetrina for a disco-lounge-bar-restaurant built with Yii: www.mistralvieste.com

I’m a newbie with frameworks and I was positively impressed with Yii’s performance end how it can speed-up the development time!

Each site area (events-managements,slider, gallery, restaurant’s menu) are fully customizable by administrative panel.

Tell me what do you think, feedbacks are welcome!

site is cool but seems to be load slowly.

nice work :rolleyes:

secondly the animation is a bit fast

Hi, thanks for your hints ;)

Loading time for first time (no resource cached ) connection is about 2.2 seconds because:

  • the background image is about 1 MB (!!!) for designer’s reason;

  • at the moment, site is running on a low profile service.

After all, when resources are cached, navigation time is fine ;)
