Though on clicking Create Account mysql error appears at the moment with all the debug information. I’d rather render user-friendly error page without showing project installation details )
I would enhance the routes for example from /notes/index.php/mynotes/default/update/id/82 to /notes/update/82.
The header has a small bug (i think) when you resize the browser window. there are two colors, or 1 image and one background color which would explain the difference.
I personally don’t like the layout of the icons in the note editor. Why don’t you use a responsive design for the app? There are no images so it could be easily expanded in the width.
The notes in the sidebar are not highlighted when the mouse is over the date.
When you try to update a note that is not yours you get an error message "Fatal error: Call to a member function getErrors() on a non-object in /home/ichurchnotes/ on line 1705"
When you visit the main page there are still the links for login and signing up, although you are logged in.