Working With Ajax In A Layout.


First of all apology for my English - and for this very long question – I’m straggling with it for a long time now.

I’m developing a quite complicated web site which contains a lot of data and information.

One of the layout contains a complex search engine with few lists, images, jquery events etc…

The search engine partially build with ajax posts calls ( database queries) , some of its data is store as cookies in the browser.

This layout is shared for a few controllers and each controller renders a few views that each view contains pretty large info.

i am trying to reduce the need to render the search menu.

I attached a simple diagram of the site.3851


what is the best approach to do it?

i thought about couple of solutions:

  1. Save the search engine in a temporary file on the web server, call only for the Ajax’s calls on document ready of this file.

  2. in order to reduce the rendering of this search engine, use a dummy view for this controller, render it once, and render all the other views using renderPartialy - is it possible? can i render different views on the same spot?

Maybe treat each page as dialog and show and hide it.

i don’t know what is better in performance matter, a huge page or a lot of rendering.

i will appreciate any thought or suggestions.
