Hi all.
I am facing a problem with the extension wizard-bevahior. In fact, I have to use it to collect informations from the user. For this, I write the action like this :
public function actionAjouter($step = null){
//Create steps
$session = Yii::app()->getSession();
$id = $session['id_participant'];
$this->_steps = array();
$participant = Participant::model()->find('id_participant = ' . $id);
$infos = InfoComplementAAjouter::model()->findAll('id_evenement = ' . $participant->id_evenement);
$i = 1;
foreach ($infos AS $info){
$this->_steps[$i] = 'Info';
$config = array(
'class' => 'application.components.WizardBehavior',
'steps' => $this->_steps,
'onStart' => 'wizardStart',
'onProcessStep' => 'ajouterProcessStep',
//'onFinished' => 'infoWizardProcessStep',
$this->attachBehavior('wizard', $config);
$this->render('error', array('message' => 'Impossible de continuer'));
And also the wizardStart and the stepProcess functions as follow :
public function wizardStart($event) {
$event->handled = true;
public function ajouterProcessStep($event){
$modelName = 'DonneesComplementairesParticipant';//ucfirst($event->step);
$model2Name = 'ValeurFournie';
$model = new $modelName('insert');
//$model2 = new $model2Name('insert');
$model->attributes = $event->data;
$form = new CForm("{$event->step}.form.configuration", $model);
if($form->submitted() && $form->validate()){
$event->handled = true;
$this->render($event->step, compact ('event','form'));
But when executing, I can get an exception :
call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function 'wizardStart' not found or invalid function name
Can anybody help me fix the problem clearly ?