Widget Refresh Automatically

Advance thanks.

how can i refresh the given below widgets automatically??given below my code.All widgets are in the same view file.


$this->widget(‘dashboard.extensions.fullcalendar.EFullCalendarHeart’, array(


'options' =&gt; array(

    'header' =&gt; array(

        'left' =&gt; 'prev,next,today',

        'center' =&gt; 'title',

        'right' =&gt; 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay',


    'events' =&gt; &#036;this-&gt;createUrl('events/calendarEvents'), // URL to get event




$this->widget(‘dashboard.extensions.google.Academic’, array(‘visualization’ => ‘ComboChart’,

‘containerId’ => ‘fees’, ‘cnt’ => ‘Totalfee’, ‘act’ => ‘fee’,

‘options’ => array(‘vAxis’ => array(‘title’ => ‘Number of Students’),

‘hAxis’ => array(‘title’ => ‘Class’),

‘seriesType’ => ‘bars’,

‘series’ => array(2 => array(‘type’ => ‘line’)),





$this->widget(‘dashboard.extensions.google.Academic’, array(‘visualization’ => ‘LineChart’,

‘containerId’ => ‘fees1’, ‘cnt’ => ‘Totalfee’, ‘act’ => ‘fee’,

‘options’ => array(‘vAxis’ => array(‘title’ => ‘Number of Students’),

‘hAxis’ => array(‘title’ => ‘Class’),

‘seriesType’ => ‘bars’,

‘series’ => array(2 => array(‘type’ => ‘line’)),





$this->widget(‘dashboard.extensions.google.Academic’, array(‘visualization’ => ‘BarChart’,

‘containerId’ => ‘fees2’, ‘cnt’ => ‘Totalfee’, ‘act’ => ‘fee’,

‘options’ => array(‘vAxis’ => array(‘title’ => ‘Number of Students’),

‘hAxis’ => array(‘title’ => ‘Class’),

‘seriesType’ => ‘bars’,

‘series’ => array(2 => array(‘type’ => ‘line’)),





$this->widget(‘dashboard.extensions.google.Academic’, array(‘visualization’ => ‘PieChart’,

‘containerId’ => ‘fees3’, ‘cnt’ => ‘Totalfee’, ‘act’ => ‘fee’,

‘options’ => array(‘vAxis’ => array(‘title’ => ‘Number of Students’),

‘hAxis’ => array(‘title’ => ‘Class’),

‘seriesType’ => ‘bars’,

‘series’ => array(2 => array(‘type’ => ‘line’)),




<div id="fees"></div>

<div id="fees1"></div>

<div id="fees2"></div>

<div id="fees3"></div>